All upcoming events are posted on our website, social media and in our newsletter.
Oral History NSW conducts training sessions and information seminars throughout the year for members and anyone interested in learning more about oral history. If you are interested in receiving oral history training for your small group and can provide a suitable venue,
please get in touch with us to discuss further.
Oral historian Pauline Curby delivering the Capturing Memories workshop in Gilgandra NSW, September 2020.
An Introduction to Oral History
In this introductory 2 hour seminar, key ideas behind oral history as a research methodology are explored, as well as outlining important steps in planning oral history projects, and tips on preparing for, undertaking, and preserving interviews.
Capturing Memories: Oral History In The Digital Age
This full day introductory workshop will equip you to undertake your own oral history interviews.
Topics include: introduction to oral history and the nature and reliability of memory, preparing and structuring an oral history interview, ethical issues, ownership, copyright and appropriate documentation, recording equipment, and processing and archiving the interview.