Our partners

Oral History Australia

Oral History Australia (OHA) is a collaboration of the six state/territory oral history associations. 
The OHA management committee is made up of delegates from each of those state associations.  

The aims of OHA are to:

  • promote discussion and training on all aspects of the methodology and ethical practices of oral history as a discipline and a means of gathering and preserving social and cultural history;

  • foster preservation, access and use of oral history collections;

  • support State and Territory Oral History associations;

  • provide a national voice on all aspects of oral history, and

  • link Australian oral historians to the international oral history movement.

The Royal Australian Historical Society

The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia’s oldest historical organisation founded in Sydney in 1901, exists to encourage the study of and interest in Australian history.  Its members include  individuals and local historical societies, libraries and corporate partners. RAHS administers grants on behalf of the NSW government for the promotion of heritage and the writing and publication of local history. 

OH NSW is an affiliate member of RAHS. Collaborations between the two organisations include the regularly scheduled workshop Capturing Memories: Oral History in the Digital Age. 

The State Library of New South Wales

The State Library of NSW's original materials branch manages an extensive oral history collection which is rapidly being digitised to enable ease of access and aid preservation. The State Library has given active support to Oral History NSW over many years.

History council of nsw

OH NSW is a member of the History Council, which represents over 22,000 people from across the history sector in NSW. The Council pursues goals in the five key areas of advocacy, awareness, encouraging diversity, rewarding excellence and outreach. It aims to ensure that history in all its forms is a part of life, in policy and in practice, throughout NSW. One of its initiatives is History Week, held annually and exploring a different theme each year. 

The Dictionary of Sydney

OH NSW had a partnership with the now-archived Dictionary of Sydney aimed at increasing the oral history content on the Dictionary's site.  In 2014 OH NSW gave the Dictionary $5000 to source a series of commentaries highlighting stories about the Georges River and surrounding area.