Useful Oral History Publications


The Oral History Reader

3rd edition Edited by Robert Perks & Alistair Thomson 2016 Published by Routledge, London and New York

The Oral History Reader, now in its third edition, is a comprehensive, international anthology combining major, ‘classic’ articles with cutting-edge pieces on the theory, method and use of oral history. Twenty-seven new chapters introduce the most significant developments in oral history in the last decade to bring this invaluable text up to date, with new pieces on emotions and the senses, on crisis oral history, current thinking around traumatic memory, the impact of digital mobile technologies, and how oral history is being used in public contexts, with more international examples to draw in work from North and South America, Britain and Europe, Australasia, Asia and Africa. With a revised and updated bibliography and useful contacts list, as well as a dedicated online resources page, this third edition of The Oral History Reader is the perfect tool for those encountering oral history for the first time, as well as for seasoned practitioners.
Available in Hardback and Paperback.  PB: 978-0-415-70733-6 | 722 pages  
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Oral History and Public Memories

Edited by Paula Hamilton & Linda Shopes 2008 Published by Temple University Press  ISBN1592131417  (pb) ISBN1592131409  (hb) 

Oral History and Public Memories explores the relationship between the well-established practice of oral history and the burgeoning field of memory studies. In the past, oral historians have generally privileged the individual narrator, frequently fetishizing the interview process without fully understanding that interviews are only one form of memory-making. Historians engaged in memory studies, on the other hand, have asked broader questions—about the social and cultural processes at work in remembrance, for example. What distinguishes these essays from much work in oral history is their focus not on the experiences of individual narrators, but on the broader cultural meanings of oral history narratives. What distinguishes them from other work in memory studies is their grounding in real events. Taken together, these contributions explain the processes by which oral histories move beyond interviews with individual people to become articulated memories shared by others.


Oral History and Photography

Edited by Alexander Freund and Alistair Thomson 2011 ISBN 978-0-230-10460-0  (hb) Published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of the Palgrave Studies in Oral History. Now available in paperback through Amazon.

This interesting book explores the “photographic turn” of oral history, reflecting on how oral historians can best use photographs in interviewing practice and understand them in interpretation of oral stories.  With case studies from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, the United States, these essays move beyond the use of photographs as social documents and memory triggers, demonstrating how they frame oral narratives and how stories unsettle the seeming fixity of photographic meaning.










Digital Imaging Essentials : Techniques and Tips for Genealogists and Family Historians

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen 2013 ISBN 978 192156188 Australian edition published by Unlock the Past

This is a valuable and timely resource for all Oral Historians as photographs enhance personal stories of the people we interview, particularly in publications and websites.  You will find this an easy-to-read guide, full of illustrations and step-by-step instructions to learn how to digitise, organise, preserve, share and back-up our digital collections.  A book to keep by your computer for ready reference.










1,001 Life Story Questions  

by Bob Mitchell 2010  Published by 'Memory Man' 2006 ISBN 0-646-45923-6

Bob has put together the definitive book of questions."  It is set out chronologically under the following headings: Family History, Marriage and Family, Childhood, Adolescence/Your Adulthood, Retirement,Life Observations, Personal Reflections on Life, Depression Days, WW II Years. $32.95 including postage.  Send cheque to Memory Man, 33 Morrison Avenue, Engadine 2233.