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Call for Papers: Special Issue of Studies in Oral History Journal No.44, 2022


Special Issue on ‘Migrant Voices: Community Collaboration and Telling Migration Histories’

Contributions are invited from Australia and overseas for publication in
Studies in Oral History No. 44, 2022
Papers due November 2021

Co-Editors: Alexandra Dellios (ANU) and Maria Savvidis (State Library of NSW)

This special issue proposes to explore the doing, collecting, and promoting of oral histories with migrant, refugee or diaspora subjects and communities. Papers that explore the migrant voice, and the sharing of migrant voices in public spaces, broadly defined, are invited.

Contributions are invited across the following themes:

• The absence or presence of migrant voices and subjectivities in the public realm, cultural collecting institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums)

• The role of oral history in telling ‘new’ migration histories or histories of settlement and mobility

• Ethical and practical implications of working with migrant community groups in a GLAM setting / public history or heritage setting

• Modes of sharing migrant voices / methods and creative practice

• Archiving and preserving migrant oral histories (after the life of an exhibition for example) – issues of access and preservation for migrant community groups

Papers may be submitted to the Oral History Australia Editorial Board for peer-review (limit: 8,000 words). Before being submitted for peer-review, papers will first be assessed for suitability by the Editorial Board. Authors will be advised of the recommendations made by the Chair of the Board.

Deadline for submissions for peer-review: 1 November 2021 Forward to: Dr Alexandra Dellios Chair, Oral History Australia Editorial Board. Email:

PDF version of the Call for Papers