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Workshop: Mastering the Recording

  • Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts (SMSA) 280 Pitt Street Sydney Australia (map)

Presented by Oral History NSW, Mastering The Recording is a hands-on training day to help you become confident with the technical side of oral history.

In this full day training workshop, you will learn

  • the recommended ways to set up your digital recorder

  • microphone placement

  • editing and processing audio

  • backing up and archiving

You will NOT just be watching how it's done. You will be actively involved in each stage.

As this is very hands-on, it is essential that you bring with you your own digital recorder and laptop computer.


This event is fully subscribed.
No more bookings can be taken.


SMSA - Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts
280 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000


  • Saturday, 19th August 2023

  • Arrive at 9:30am for 9:45am start.

  • Expected completion is 4:30pm.

Morning tea and afternoon tea will be provided.
Lunch may be brought from home or purchased from nearby cafés.


  • $160 for members of Oral History NSW.

  • $180 for non-members.

  • $190 to attend and also become a new member of Oral History NSW.